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About Nicolette Boele

Every community deserves a local representative who serves its interests, not the dictates of a political party.

I’m Nicolette Boele (pronounced “Buller”). I’m running in the next federal election as your community independent candidate for Bradfield.  I will work to deliver:

  • reduced cost-of-living pressures
  • decisive action on climate change
  • integrity, transparency and accountability in government decision-making
  • real reforms (like taxation) that deliver a fairer Australia for all, including students, women and small businesses

I grew up and have raised my children here on the North Shore. It’s a beautiful place to live. But we now face major issues. Everyday the people of our community share with me their concerns on the cost of living, the housing crisis, and prices at the checkout and the fuel pump.

On top of this, we have a climate crisis.

Throughout my career I’ve worked in environmental conservation and human rights organisations, in public policy think-tanks and in sustainability consulting for all types of Australian companies. I’ve advised federal and state governments in Australia, as well as international governments, on climate change policies for industries such as energy, cement, agriculture and forestry. For the past 10 years I’ve worked in capital markets to deliver clean tech and clean energy ventures, and to help protect consumers from greenwashing.

I know that we can cut electricity prices and address the climate crisis by rolling out renewable energy as quickly as possible. Anything else is a distraction.

Once elected, I will work with MPs of all political persuasions to create policies that are good for all Australians, not just for lobbyists and their masters. I will continue to consult the community in our electorate on issues important to them. I’m setting up mechanisms to engage regularly and widely.

Please support my campaign to become your community independent representing our electorate.