Let’s shift the power of political campaigns from vested interests back to citizens
Thank you for your CARE and SUPPORT
Please DONATE and support Australian democracy
Please DONATE and help change political fundraising
Please DONATE and elect another independent to the House of Representatives
Why donate?
Representatives are in the constitution – parties are not.
In 2022, Bradfield became a marginal seat for the first time in its long history. We believe that's because the people of Bradfield are tired of being taken for granted, and tired of party politics.
Please donate to Nicolette Boele's campaign to send her to Canberra so that you can be heard.
People powered politics
In 2022, did your vote contribute to the 21% of Bradfield's formal first preference votes for Community Independent Nicolette Boele? If at least a similar proportion does the same at the coming election, that nets around 25,000 votes. And if just 10% each donate $300, that would be a contribution of $750,000 and we can run a truly community funded campaign. This is our aim! To transform the powerless apathy to empowered representation.
The largest contribution to our campaign is the time donated by Team Nic volunteers; but there are certain activities (such as printing 'how to vote' cards) that demand hard currency.
Please donate. Any amount is welcome, and be part of shifting the power of political campaigns from vested interests back to citizens.
Let's strive for a campaign that is community funded, to demonstrate how communities can support our precious democracy
How to donate
There are several ways to donate to Nicolette's Boele's community independent campaign. You can fill out the form here to authorise a donation by credit card. Alternatively, if you would like to make a direct deposit, please contact the campaign on [email protected] and we will assist.
Our campaign transparency
In addition to our legal requirements set out by the AEC, our tenets for donations are that:
- We disclose quarterly on our website the names of donors who gift over $1,500 in a financial year
- We prefer donations from individuals
- We do accept donations from organisations if it can be demonstrated that the organisation's directors do not directly financially benefit from the entity's operation.
Donors whose gifts totalled over $1,500 during FY24
S. Baggs, R. Boele, Climate 200, T. Cochrane, G. Cooper, I. Dunlop, N. Edgerton, B. Gwatkin, H. Gwatkin, C. Jacques, R. Keldoulis, C. Liebmann, F. Sharpe.
Donors whose gifts totalled over $1,500 during FY25
To be updated within 30 days of the close of the quarter.
Things you should know about your donation
Nicolette Boele’s campaign to be the community independent representative for Bradfield is managed by Nixs Run Pty Ltd (A.C.N. 655 722 508), an ASIC registered company. Funds received and spent by Nixs Run Pty Ltd are used solely for the purposes of Nicolette Boele’s election campaign. Nicolette Boele does not personally receive funds, nor does she spend them.
The following are the applicable laws as at 30 June 2024.
The Australian Government has signalled that it may change these laws before the next federal election. As soon as new legislation is enacted we will update this page, but if in any doubt always refer to the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) website.
Foreign: You are not permitted to make, and Nixs Run Pty Ltd is not permitted to receive, a donation of more than $100 from a foreign donor. If you are uncertain as to whether you are a foreign donor within the meaning of Australian legislation, please check the AEC guide.
You warrant that you are not a foreign donor by selecting the relevant box when making a donation on this website. If Nixs Run Pty Ltd has any concerns about your eligibility, you acknowledge that Nixs Run Pty Ltd may need to ask for proof of that status and we may return your donation if the proof is insufficient.
AEC Disclosure Threshold: There are (currently) no caps on political donations under Commonwealth electoral laws. However donations in any given financial year must be disclosed to the AEC, and the AEC will publish those names and amounts when the aggregated amount exceeds the donation threshold. The threshold for the financial year 2025 is $16,900.
Individuals whose donations exceed the annual threshold in FY25 will also need to lodge a donor disclosure after an election, which we will notify you about at the time. The form is simple and we can help as needed. Please see here for more donor disclosure information on the AEC website.
Nicolette Boele's campaign operates on transparency that goes beyond the minimal requirements of the current laws. In particular:
- Non-human entities: We do not accept funds from any non-human entity (including but not limited to corporations, associations, societies or clubs) unless that non-human entity can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Nixs Run Pty Ltd Donations Committee that it is not being operated to directly profit members or shareholders (as appropriate). We may refund donations if this requirement is not met.
- A lower disclosure threshold: Your name (initial and surname) will be disclosed if your total donation in a financial year exceeds $1,500. Disclosures will be made quarterly on this website, within 30 days of the close of the quarter.