Pages tagged "Voice"
Voice Forum | St Ives Community Hall 23 July
This is an edited version of my remarks at St Ives on 23 July at the YES Forum. The speakers were:
- Desmond Campbell
- Dr Shireen Morris
- Zali Steggall
- Me
Many heartfelt thanks to the 250 or so people who attended, and especially to those who asked questions at the end. Thanks also to Voices of Bradfield and for arranging the video recording of the event, links to which are at the bottom of this post.
Thank every one of you for turning up today. Because this is what civics is about. Our democracy is not a spectator sport and getting informed and engaged is key to enjoying a vibrant one, here in Bradfield, in NSW and across our nation.
For disclosure I will be voting YES and I find myself also campaigning for a Yes outcome. This wasn’t always the case. I had intended to be agnostic but instead put my shoulder to wheel on information and education about the mechanics of a referendum.
Alas, when Bradfield’s current member of parliament, who is a member of the Opposition front bench, showed his hand “to be in solidarity with the LNP in a campaign to deliver NO”, then I started turning up to events like this one.
I look, I can’t look into the hearts and minds of those who are arguing for NO. I will just accept that they make those arguments, and some will be in good faith and some will not. I will never know and it is pointless to interrogate.