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It's great that you want to contribute your skills and energy to help my campaign as the community independent candidate for Bradfield.

Thank you!

Please fill out this form to:

  • confirm your contact details
  • acknowledge that you've read and understand the Volunteer Agreement

Someone will contact you soon to welcome you to Team Nic and explain what happens next. We run training sessions for new volunteers. Our current focus is door knocking. We'll help you learn how to do that and provide you with an experienced buddy so that you can join us. We'll invite you to join us on our real-time communications platform.

In the meantime, you can:

  • Come to one of our subject-specific Bradfield Issue Groups (BIG), which play a key role in my national policy work
  • Subscribe to my newsletter, the BOELE-tin (bulletin!) 
  • Get your t-shirt for $30 at the office - open Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10am-2pm at 1/784 Pacific Highway, Gordon
  • Take part in my survey, ensuring that even the busiest of us have a channel to raise issues of concern and interest
  • Talk with your neighbours, groups and networks about why it's important to you to have a community independent in Canberra as your representative
  • Use social media, letters to the editors and calls to radio stations to inform people about local issues not being addressed and to encourage people to think about the value of an Independent. 
  • Host/attend social gatherings where volunteers from different areas can stay connected
  • Wear the campaign shirt to public events to keep the idea of a Community Independent alive
  • Write letters or make submissions to policy-making institutions (local, state or federal) to express your views, ask for further information, or advocate for different behaviours and outcomes