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Full Bio

Nicolette Boele

Nicolette brings policy acumen and real-world business experience from a career working in finance, clean energy and climate change policy.

For the past decade she served as an executive at the Responsible Investment Association Australasia, the Investor Group on Climate Change and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation.

She has political advocacy experience from her roles for state government, not-for-profit organisations and think tanks. She has provided consultancy advice to a number of Australia’s largest listed companies.

Nicolette led the Responsible Investment Association Australasia policy and standards-setting agendas for Australia and New Zealand and was a member of the Principles of Responsible Investment’s Global Policy Reference Group. In her role she also supported RIAA’s programs including Responsible Investment Certification, research and its human rights working group.

Her professional interest lies in building purpose into finance, growing just social, and equitable environmental capital to underpin resilient and sustainable economies.

Member, Climate Impact Advisory Committee
Climate VC Fund

Apr 2020 - Present


Executive Manager
Responsible Investment Association Australasia

Feb 2015 - Dec 2021

RIAA’s mission is to promote, advocate for, and support approaches to responsible investment that align capital with achieving a healthy and sustainable society, environment and economy. We are supported by our 450 responsible investing members across Australia and New Zealand, managing assets totalling over $39 trillion globally.



Aug 2013 - Aug 2015

Working with the Banarra team and its formidable clients creating value and delivering impact.


Project Manager, Low Carbon Investment Registry
Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC)

Mar 2014 - Nov 2014

The Investor Group on Climate Change is a collaboration of Australian and New Zealand investors focussing on the impact that climate change has on the financial value of investments. Its members include institutional investors with funds under management totalling approximately $1 trillion.
The role centres around the building of a global database of low carbon institutional investments.


Acting Chief of External Affairs/Office of the CEO
Clean Energy Finance Corporation

Nov 2012 - May 2013

The CEFC's investments catalyse and leverage an increased flow of funds to Australian-based renewable energy, low emissions and energy efficiency technologies.


Principal: Environment & Climate Change

Mar 2009 - Feb 2013

Banarra is an Australian-based multi-disciplinary sustainability house. The reason for Banarra's high repeat business is the client's professional growth experienced from collaborating with the Banarra team to design and deliver projects.


Director, Strategic Projects
The Climate Institute

Jun 2006 - Oct 2008

The Climate Institute is an independent research organisation focused on the issue of climate change. Working across sectors and disciplines with a positive and pragmatic approach, The Climate Institute draws attention to critical issues and fosters the understanding and support necessary for the transition to a zero-carbon Australia.


Senior Program Officer & Senior Policy Officer
Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (NSW)

Mar 2003 - Dec 2004

Providing timely departmental and ministerial policy analysis and advice, as well as designing, resourcing and implementing programs to complement the objectives of DECC and its standing and reputation with NSW industry.


Sustainable Cities & Industries Campaign Coordinator
Australian Conservation Foundation

Aug 2000 - Feb 2003

The Climate Change Leaders Program is a high-level policy development forum for CEOs of leading Australian companies (the Australian Business Roundtable on Climate Change), including BP Australia, Insurance Australia Group, Origin Energy, Visy Industries, Swiss Re, Westpac and ACF.


Program Leader - Energy Efficiency
Sustainable Energy Development Authority of NSW

1996 - 1999

Program Leader Domestic Energy Efficiency
Managing employees and budgets within the NSW state government system and overseeing the coordination of SEDA’s programs internally as well as across government agencies at local, state and national levels.

Project Manager of “Energy Smart Homes”
Scoping, designing, implementing and evaluating SEDA’s first residential energy efficiency program for local government.